In a surgical model for spina bifida (see Luc Joyeux) we are trying to prevent iatrogenic leakage of amniotic fluid by improving the surgical suturing of the fetal membranes and the uterus.
Surgical model:
Fetal lambs
Spina Bifida creation: d75 of gestation
Caesarean section: d100
3 different groups for uterine closure:
-Staplers (as used in clinical open fetal surgery currently)
-Hysterotomy with running suture to prevent fetal membrane detachment
-Mini-Hysterotomy with small sized incision
Currently operated:
6 animals with Stapler
3 animals with Hysterotomy and running suture
Planned read outs:
-Macroscopic evaluation
-Deepest vertical pocket of amniotic fluid at d100 as measured by ultrasound
-Histologic evaluation of uterus and fetal membranes