Meeting Minutes
July 20, 2015
1. Attendees:
Tom Vercauteren
Michael Ebner
2. Discussed Topics:
Kidney images:
Comparison of acquired scans
Results of current reconstruction algorithm on the stacks
Reconstruction algorithm
Inter-slice motion correction
Initially, usage of ITK for 2D to 3D registration
Organisation of a challenge at MICCAI 2016:
Comparison of state-of-the-art algorithms for fetal MRI reconstruction
Subsequent publication based on the comparison of their performances
Summer school MediCSS participation
3. Action Items:
Refinement of reconstruction algorithm
Inter-slice motion correction
Own 2D to 3D registration
Kainz IRTK: Run algorithm without CUDA
MICCAI fetal challenge: Assess similarity of fetal images and kidney images to find meaningful indicators suitable for evaluating algorithms applied on both
Update of Log Section Submission: 6 Months-Review
Further reading