The following weeks will be spent investigating the use of high performance computing (HPC), particularly the use of NVIDIA powered GPUs, to see if we can perform image stitching in real time during a fetoscopic intervention. The action plans are:
Pankaj Daga: May 2015
Significant progress has been made on the GPU implementation for the image mosaicing application. Features that have been added include: Support for image streaming using the Blackmagic image capture card. GPU support for feature extraction using SIFT in real-time. Feature
Pankaj Daga: March 2015
The prototype for the image mosaicing workflow has been created using Python. It seems that SIFT features give the most reasonable results. Areas for making novel contributions have also been identified as: Use of Bayesian methods to perform outlier detection
Pankaj Daga: April 2015
Progress has been made on the GPU implementation for image mosaicing. Along with the application development, I have been actively developing an application framework for leveraging the power of GPUs for future GIFT-SURG application. This framework will tie with the