1 – Interaction with clinicians tests with Canadian placenta model – US-compatibility found to be poor. disussion on how to proceed – engineers requested to make a new one – discussion of some options. first OR tracking experiment together with
Alexander Engels, 03/2015 – 05/2015
In a surgical model for spina bifida (see Luc Joyeux) we are trying to prevent iatrogenic leakage of amniotic fluid by improving the surgical suturing of the fetal membranes and the uterus. Surgical model: Fetal lambs Spina Bifida creation: d75
Alexander Engels, 01/2015 – 03/2015
Fetoscopic testing of the Surgical Touch model was done. The Model can be well used for fetoscopy but is not usable as model for ultrasound guidance. Several attempts have been mad to improve image quality in the Canadian surgical touch
Testing Tags
Ultrasonic needle tracking for guiding fetal interventions
January 2015 Accurate and efficient guidance of medical devices to procedural targets lies at the heart of interventional procedures. Ultrasound imaging is commonly used for device guidance, however, determining the location of the device tip can be difficult. Various methods
François Chadebecq, February 2015: Activity report
We realized several calibration experiments using a straight fetoscope (GRIN Lens) for simplicity purposes. We considered camera models commonly assumed in computer vision and more particularly the general model of central catadioptric camera (figure 1). We chose this latter one because
François Chadebecq, January 2015: Activity report
Beginning of the post-doctoral contract. The main objective of our project is to provide advanced computer-vision tools to help surgeons in the diagnosis and treatment of Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTS). We defined research objectives with a main focus on 3D
Gustavo Santos, May 2015
My MICCAI paper was accepted! (As soon as the upload limit is increased, I will upload the whole manuscript.) Gustavo Santos
Maria A. Zuluaga: March 2015
1- Preparation and submission of an abstract on evaluation of placental segmentation to the Hamlyn Symposium. 2- Compilation of three of the software suites available at the lab: NifTK, EpiNav and NiftyMIDAS. The goal of this is to step my
Maria A. Zuluaga: April 2015
1- Evaluation of the NiftyMIDAS platform showed that it does not display images when these are opened (in any format). Although the image seems to be loaded it appears a black box. The bug was reported to the person in