MICCAI 2015 Submission: I worked on the development of a methodology that could allow us to validate segmentation results without requiring a previously annotated database (ground truth). I have implemented the method proposed in Kohlberger et al (MICCAI 2012) to try
Pankaj Daga: April 2015
Progress has been made on the GPU implementation for image mosaicing. Along with the application development, I have been actively developing an application framework for leveraging the power of GPUs for future GIFT-SURG application. This framework will tie with the
Gustavo Santos, April 2015
Work on image reconstruction for the fibre-optic US/PA systems: – Motivation: to find/create a reconstruction algorithm that is robust to uncertainty in sensor position/movement and to limited data. – Initial idea: to estimate sensor location from US data by trilateration (triangulation) — Simulation using
François Chadebecq, April 2015: Activity report
We started experimentations considering new camera models more accurately adapted to the real optical systems of a fetoscope. We defined different image formation models to evaluate (thick lens model, GRIN Lens, …). We currently try to establish mathematical properties which will
Sacha Noimark, April 2015: Optimisation of MWCNT-PDMS coatings on optical fibres
Laser-generated ultrasound study #3: 200 micron fibres: MWCNT + PDMS, 1, 2, …7 dips MWCNTs all with PDMS overcoat. Compare to previous integrated fibre. Study indicates that subsequent dips into MWCNT/xylene solution do not significantly enhance ultrasound generation. Further coatings
Sacha Noimark, Feb 2015: Developing new coating strategies for laser generated ultrasound, using MWCNTs and PDMS
Synthesis of an oleylamine functionalised-pyrene ligand for the functionalisation of multiwalled carbon nanotubes, for dispersion in xylene. Optimisation of nanotube : functionalising ligand to maximise MWCNT dispersion concentration. Optimised MWCNT concentration at 14 mg /mL. Explore different techniques for depositing
Dzhoshkun Shakir, Tom Doel: Feb 2015
Meeting with Gareth Askey (Diagnostic Radiographer/Imaging Systems Deputy Manager) at UCLH David Atkinson participated in the meeting as well, as he has previous experience with data from UCLH Discussed and identified possible ways of uploading data from UCLH PACS Gareth
Dzhoshkun Shakir, Tom Doel: Mar 2015
Meeting with Paul Ganney (Head of Scientific Computing) and James Moggridge at UCLH As suggested by Gareth Askey, we met with Paul and James to discuss our requirements and identify a computer for installing our uploader software Anna David participated
Dzhoshkun Shakir, Tom Doel: Apr 2015
GIFT-Cloud virtual machine (VM) setup Initial server setup (i.e. no GIFT-Cloud restlet installed yet) complete The URL is https://gift-cloud.cs.ucl.ac.uk (accessible only from whitelisted clients) The 2TB project store is being backed up daily (maintained by Computer Science) Mechanisms related to daily and
Dzhoshkun Shakir, Tom Doel: May 2015
GIFT-Cloud uploader application The first stable version: GC-1.1.0, supports: DICOM node functionality (e.g. push from a PACS) import datasets from local storage querying a PACS Can now be built as a Java webstart application. GIFT-Cloud extension of XNAT This version